When you add a new property listing, you will set the mandate start and expiry dates.
Once the listing is about to expiry, you will receive a notification on your dashboard similar to this. You can click on the action button to open the listing and adjust the expiry date if required.
This notification can be controlled in your Base settings section under customise / listings:
If you leave the listing to reach its expiry date, Base will automatically expire the listing and do the following:
It will remove the listings from all portals. This won't be immediate as some portals only update every 24 hours;
The mandate status will be set to 'expired';
Most users will have their listing dashboard page set to filtered on active listings, so those expired listings won't appear here, but are not gone. Simply click on the filter and select expired to show your expired listings.
Reactivating an expired listing
To reactive the listing, you would need to change the mandate status back to active, set a future mandate expiry date and ensure the correct portals are selected under the feeds section before pressing save.