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Zapier integration overview
Zapier integration overview

Automate your Base data including listings and contacts with the Zapier integration

Adriaan avatar
Written by Adriaan
Updated over 4 months ago

The Zapier system allows Base users to integrate their real estate data with over 4,000 popular web apps. It empowers estate agents to automate repetitive tasks and create workflows for streamlined customer experiences.

How to get started with Zapier

We recommend getting an overview of Zapier first, click here. Check out our Base page here to review all the possible triggers and actions.

Zapier offers a free plan, which makes it easy to test it out. Alternatively, you can also opt to hire freelance Zapier consultants to do complex automation setups.

Create your Base API key for Zapier

To use the Base app in Zapier, you would need to generate a secret Base API Key.

Go to Setup / Integrations and click on 3rd Party integrations:

  • Enter a descriptive application name. Since you need to link it to a user account use something like 'Zapier John Smith'

  • Choose the primary user. Zapier will have access to see all data accessible to that user in Base.

  • Enable Restrict if you want to extract only public data / disable Restrict if you work with contacts/leads

  • Click on Create key.

  • When you create a new Zap, you can type in 'Entegral Base' and select the Entegral Base app as a starting point (trigger) or as a response to another app event (action), as shown here:

Once selected you will have access to select the trigger or action events:

Once you select a trigger or action, you will be asked to connect your Base account:

Here you can insert your Base API key and press continue.

From here Zapier will test the connection and you'll be able to setup and test your automation further.

Available Zapier triggers for Base

If any of the following happens in Base, it can trigger further actions to other apps in Zapier. e.g. when you load a new contact it can send that contact to newsletter software, spreadsheet, or external CRM software.

Available Zapier actions for Base

You can also push data from external apps into Base with actions. E.g. you can capture a contact generated in an external app and create the contact in Base. Search functions are also available to extract property and user details.

Visit our Base Zapier page to view the full range of triggers and actions:

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